Friday, 25 November 2011

twilight saga : breaking dawn


aargghhh.! nak tengok..seyesly nak tgk..! sape nk bwk ak g tgk skrg nie.?
aduhai..time ada test2 n assignments memanjang, time tu la ada citer and movie2 best.! hurm..sabar je la nurina..haih..bila da bace sinopsis, lagi la rasa nk tgk..! cepat la..! cepat la.!! nk tgk..!! waa..! breaking dawn.!

Thursday, 24 November 2011


mengikut tajuk atau title diatas..mmg ak trase...sorry la..mmg ak nie mudah trase...nk wat mcm ne..da mmg jiwa ak nie sensitif..apatah ag dlm persahabatan..ntah..kdg2 ak nie sng fikir mcm2..kdg2 ak nie cepat jealous bila tgk kwn rapat ak rapat ngn org leyn..haih, nurina2..ko nie..mmg, ak sedar, ak nie xde hak nk halang kwn2 ak nie nk rapat ngn kdg2 ak just jealous n cepat trase bila kwn ak tu rapat ngn org leyn..ntah..mybe sbb ak sayang gila kt kwn ak tu..ak tkot ape2 trjadi kt dia kot..mybe sbb ak care bout them kot..hurm ntahla..n mybe sbb ak nie xde org leyn da kt rumah...mybe sbb ak nie anak tunggal..asyik dok ckp sorg2 je dlm bilik..luahkn perasaan masa kt dapur ngn memasak...haha...seyesly, ak rasa kwn2 ak yg pernah kenal ak da masak ngn perangai ak..ahha..roomates ak, apatah lagi..ak nie, asyik2 trase..xde keje leyn ke..hurm, ntah la wei...ak minx maaf sgt2 kt sape2 yg ak da luahkn yg ak ckp ak trase...ak xtao nape..ak just xtao..and to my friend, kyn, ak minx maaf spoil kn mood ko..ak just trase bila ko mmg rapat gila ngn sarah..ak xtao nape..bkn ak nk halang ko nk rapat ngn sape2..xpnah sesekali..sbb tu kdg2 ak rela, ak nk ckp something kt ko kyn, i'll try to change my attitude, i'll try to keep it up with you, i'll try to cope with everything here..i'll try to be ur bestie here..i'll try, my friend..i'll try..mmg,mmg ak byk berkorban demi kwn2 ak..ak xkesah..mmg da naluri ak mcm tu..mmg ak sanggup wat ape2 demi kwn2 ak..ak xminx jasa2 ak dibalas, xsama sekali..ak just harap diorg faham n tao isi hati ak n perangai ak, tu je..ak pun try nk faham diorg..n try nk jaga hati diorg, tp kdg2 byk sgt hati nk dijaga smpai kdg2 hati sndiri terbiar begitu shja....ak xmo salahkn takdir dgn apa2 yg trjd kt ak..xbeyk, ak just redha..apa2 yg berlaku, ak anggap sbg pengajaran..kwn nie mmg susah nk cari yg elok, salah cari, naya kita.! friends for benefits.? mmg susah nk cari..friends for life.? ag susah.! tp papepun, da ada kwn kira syukur la..jaga la kwn kita tu leklok..walaupun kwn kita ada 1,kita jaga la leklok, sbb lao kwn kita yg 1 tu xde, kwn kita tros jd 0..nk ke.? xmo kn..n walaupapapun yg trjdi, ak xmo putus persahabatan..xmo.! ak sentiasa doakn kwn2 ak bahagia n berjaya dunia akhirat..amin..walaupapapun dugaan yg menimpa diorg, ak harap diorg tabah..n lao ak mati suatu hari nanti, ak just harap diorg nages kegembiraan sbb pernah ada kwn mcm ak,,ak xmo diorg nages sbb ak mati mcm tu je...lagi la ak sedyh..

n to my deary beloved friend
you are always my friend, sister, nenek n everything
i hope u do understand how i feel rite now
thanks for being such a good n loyal friend to me
i love you friend, forever and ever.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


IMMORTAL.??!!'s bout the movie..immortal.! gosh.! i totally love it.! i just dunno why..maybe because of the effect.? maybe because of their spirit in fighting their rights.? maybe because of the actors and actresses.? ouh, i just dunno..but overall, the movie was quite good..even though, i'm hoping that the ending was way much better..ouh..i totally love this movie..ok..
and to my fellow friends..thanx cause willing to watch that movie with me..

those were some of the pictures i could fine in the net for the time it.!!


memang sadis. sape.? pemilik blog ini la..haih..apatah lagi bila baca blog org tu..nampak gaya, kwn sorg tu mmg da nekad nk tinggalkan sini...hurm xpela kan..da mmg dia nk gi..nk wat mcm ne..sbb tu kdg2 niat di hati xmo da rapat2 sgt dgn dia..tkot lao dia btol2 gi...xdela nak sedyh2 sgt..stiap kali dia ckp pasal nk pindah atao mohon u/kolej leyn, hati ak nie tros terdetik..terkesima..ter apa2 ag la...bergenang je air mata..xpe, nurina, tahan je..nk thn dia.? mcm xde harapan je..nurina, biar je la dia nk gi..doakan je la dia berjaya dgn cemerlang dlm apa jua dia amek...n doakan dia bahagia dunia akhirat..hurm...xpela..da penat ak nages...da penat ak kenang..da penat hati ni berduka lara...da penat dgn nk wat mcm ne..lao org da bernekad nk gi..biarkn jela....seriously..ak da xtao nk ckp pe..ak rasa mcm da redha semua kwn2 ak da ckp.." lao ko btol2 sayangkn dia, biarkn dia pg n doakn je yg terbaik utk dia..n igt, dia pernah menjadi kwn ko.." ok..kdg2 senang org nk hati nie da mcm2 rasa...sbb tu kdg2 ak mls nk lyn da..ak xmo rapat2 dgn tkot dia gila tapi ak...bukan senang nk lepaskn kwn yg ko rapat n sayang mcm tu je..bukan senang...k..lao di ikotkn hati....mmg ak nk tukar, bila difikirkn, mcm2 plak akan trjadi n kena wat...xpela, xmo menyusahkan parents ak da..ak nie mmg ske menyusahkan diorg...da la asyik sakit je, nurina, asyik mengeluh je..xbeyk.! 
back to the mixed feeling i have..
people easily said this to me..just let her's easy for them to say..but how bout my feeling.? is that easy for me to let her go.? to let someone who is so closed to you just go like that.? is it easy.? i'm telling you the's never been that easy.!!! no longer in the mood of saying anything..i always say this to her.." lao nk gi, gi jela..ak da xkesah.." seems like i'm giving up ri8.? but yeah.,maybe..because there's nothing else i can do..if she really wanna go, just go..she has been a part of my life, if that's all i can say..and if she's really gone..i can only say, she used to be part of my i mad at her.? used to..but now, i can only say, just let her's up to you my's ur's u to decide your own future, i can't no longer hold you as my friend..i can't no longer shed any tears for you i guess..but i really, u won't regret in everything u've decided..

p/s : buddie, all the best ye..

Monday, 21 November 2011

football maniac.!!

 i am a football maniac.! proud to be..certainly.!!
owh..seriously, i prefer football or in some country called soccer rather than netball..actually sometimes i do prefer other sports too..but during football/soccer time, it's the time for me to scream out loud supporting my favourite teams..

1. MALAYSIA..harimau malaya.! auummm..!!
2. MANCHESTER UNITED..the red devil!!

3. REAL MADRID...wuuuu!!

oke..for time being..that's all for now..i think.

p/s : i'm a girl and i'm proud to be a football maniac..are you?? hehe

one of my fav songs

I open my eyes
I try to see but I’m blinded by the white light
I can’t remember how
I can’t remember why
I’m lying here tonight

And I can’t stand the pain
And I can’t make it go away
No I can’t stand the pain

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

Everybody’s screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I’m slipping off the edge
I’m hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again

So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can’t explain what happened
And I can’t erase the things that I’ve done
No I can’t

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

perasaan campur baur

feeling neglected.yup.sometimes.? always..feel like i'm no longer wanted..sometimes, i feel like i'm just an invisible person..i feel it, every single time and anywhere when i'm with someone else..maybe, that's how i act or that's the real me. invisible. just being there when people want me, but not there when people just ignore me..weird right.? that's why i prefer to play games in my phone or capturing pictures of the beautiful scenery around's not that i feel unwanted, but just sometimes, i feel like i prefer being a loner..but it's not good, i know, it can decrease my social life out there..and due to that, i prefer to talk with someone who i careless or care-more the mom..or my ex-roommate during  matriculation or even ATIQAH NORIZAM, my deary sister...huhu sometimes, it doesn't pay anything if i cried all day long for's me, who is the one, ruining my own opportunity in my own's me who choose to be an invisible's me who choose to end up like this..NOPE! never in my life to choose this type of life..pathetic.? can say that..hopeless.? sometimes..feeling unwanted.? always and forever..realized that everything can change, just hoping that everything can change..or i can turn back time...oh no..there is no more excuses for every thing happened in my life.! just hoping that one day, i'll be someone whom others can be proud of, or someone who is embraced by the others..let me be myself...let me be invisible for the time being..but don't ever neglect me for who i am..please don't neglect me..i'm afraid that i can do things that i've never imagine i can do..don't let me be alone by myself..don't..

part of the song..that can describe my feeling ri8 now..hurm.. unwanted by avril lavigne

You don't know me
Don't ignore me
You don't want me there
You just shut me out
You don't know me
Don't ignore me
If you had your way 
You'd just shut me up
Make me go away

(That i'm so unwanted)
No, I just don't understand why
you won't talk to me
It hurts that I'm so unwanted for nothing
Don't talk words against me
I wanted to know you
I wanted to show you

I tried to belong
It didn't seem wrong
My head aches
Its been so long
I'll write this song
If that's what it take

changes again

ok..sorry for the confusing of song/s played here..for the time being..i'm going to use this song.
seriously..its been a long time since i heard this song..since i was in form 2 i guess..credits to my bestfriend..Azzahra Aripin..who was the one responsible for introducing me to this awesome song and JULIAN CASABLANCAS...haha
so..that's all for now..thank you .. :)

dugaan dan cabaran

oke..first and far-most..i would like to say..this is copied by one, it's not totally my words..hehe..
but i do hope, that, it can enlightened others..tq..and be strong to my dear rumate sarah..

 Di dalam al-Quran, ujian dan dugaan disebut oleh Allah sebagai البلاء (bala’) serta الفتنة (fitnah). Menurut kamus المحيط (al-Muhit), kedua-duanya berkongsi maksud yang sama. [Al-Muhit, Kaherah, Mesir.]
Menjalani liku-liku hidup sebagai seorang manusia, kita tidak akan dapat lari daripada diuji oleh Allah Azza wa Jalla. Ujian yang mendatang selalunya menjadikan diri kita lebih tegar dan kuat. Masakan tidak. Ujian mengajar seseorang untuk jadi lebih lasak dalam menggalas setiap bebanan kehidupan.
Menurut Ibn Manzur dalam Lisanu al-‘Arb, bala’ itu adalah ujian yang terdiri daripada yang baik juga yang buruk. Seperti mana yang diberitakan pada surah al-Anbiyaa’ iaitu;

ونبلوكم بالشر والخير فتنة وإلينا ترجعون

Dan Kami menguji kamu dengan kesusahan dan kesenangan sebagai dugaan; dan kepada Kami-lah kamu semua akan dikembalikan. [Al-Anbiyaa’: 35]
Al-Hafiz Ibn Katsir dalam memberikan penerangan terhadap ayat ini menyatakan bahawa Allah menguji hambanya dengan musibah pada satu waktu, dan kemudian dengan nikmat pada waktu yang lain, untuk melihat siapa yang bersyukur dan siapa yang kufur, siapa pula yang sabar, dan siapa yang putus harap.
Dan al-Hafiz ada menukilkan kata-kata Ibnu ‘Abbas dalam menafsirkan ayat ini, bahawa Allah menguji hambanya dengan kecelakaan dan kesenangan, dengan kesihatan dan kesakitan, dengan kemewahan serta kemiskinan, dengan perkara yang halal dan apa yang haram, dengan ketaatan dan kemaksiatan, serta dengan hidayah dan kesesatan. [Tafsir al-Quran al-‘Adzim, Ibn Katsir, Abu al-Fida’.]
Ujian yang berbeza untuk mengukur keimanan
Berdasarkan tafsiran Ibnu ‘Abbas tersebut, dapat kita ketahui bahawa pada setiap orang, berbeza tahap ujian yang dikenakan ke atasnya. Ini adalah selari dengan ayat pada surah al-Baqarah apabila Allah menyatakan;

لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها

Allah tidak memberi kesusahan seseorang hamba melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. [Al-Baqarah: 286]
Dari ayat tersebut dapat kita ketahui bahawa ujian yang dikenakan kepada setiap hamba, adalah bersesuaian dengan apa yang mampu ditanggungnya. Dan setiap orang pula berbeza tahap tanggungannya dan penerimaan mereka terhadap ujian serta dugaan
Ujian yang diberikan juga adalah untuk mengukur tahap keimanan seorang hamba. Ini telah dibuktikan secara jelas berdasarkan ayat 2-3 surah al’-Ankabut;

أحسب الناس أن يتركوا أن يقولوا آمنا وهم لا يفتنون. ولقد فتنا الذين من قبلهم فليعلمن الله الذين صدقوا وليعلمن الكاذبين

Patutkah manusia menyangka bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan dengan hanya berkata: “Kami beriman”, sedang mereka tidak diuji (dengan sesuatu dugaan)?Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah menguji orang-orang yang terdahulu sebelum mereka, maka (dengan ujian yang demikian), nyata apa yang diketahui Allah tentang orang-orang yang benar-benarnya beriman, dan nyata pula apa yang diketahui-Nya akan orang-orang yang berdusta. [al-Ankabut: 2-3]
Ganjaran menanti bagi yang diuji
Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wassalam menyifatan bahawa ujian yang diberikan kepada kaum manusia adalah tanda kecintaan Allah kepada mereka. Dan semakin besar dugaan yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada manusia, menandakan besar juga pahala yang diperoleh. Ini sebagaimana hadith yang datang dari Anas bin Malik, yang menyatakan Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alahi Wassalam bersabda;

إن عظم الجزاء مع عظم البلاء ، وإن الله تعالى إذا أحب قوما ابتلاهم ، فمن رضي فله الرضا ، ومن سخط فله السخط

Sesungguhnya besarnya ganjaran itu dinilai pada besarnya bala’ yang menimpa. Dan sesungguhnya Allah itu apabila mencintai sesuatu kaum, maka akan mereka itu diberi dugaan. Oleh sebab itu barangsiapa yang redha – dengan ujian yang menimpa, dia akan memperoleh keredhaan Allah dan barangsiapa yang tidak maka padanya kemurkaan Allah. [Riwayat al-Tirmidzi, al-Albani menyatakannya sebagai hasan dalam Sahih dan Dha’if Sunan al-Tirmidzi.]
Jelas bahawa ujian yang diberikan adalah untuk menguji keimanan seorang manusia. Jika dia beriman, maka dia akan menerimanya dengan keredhaan. Dan padanya rahmat Allah Azza wa Jalla serta keredhaan-Nya. Namun bagi manusia yang lalai serta tidak meredhai ujian yang diberikan ke atasnya. Maka dia sekadar mendapat kemurkaan daripada Allah.
Hadith di atas termasuk dalam bab Sabar (الصبر) oleh Imam al-Nawawi dalam karya beliau dalam bidang hadith; iaitu Riyadh al-Salihin. Di sini dapat dijelaskan bahawa, bagi orang-orang yang beriman dengan Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala adalah bersabar dengan segala dugaan serta mehnah yang diberikan oleh Allah kepadanya.
Jelas juga, daripada hadith tersebut bahawa semakin besar dugaan yang diperoleh oleh seorang manusia, maka semakin besar ganjara pahala yang akan dia dapati.
Dalam ayat ke-214 surah al-Baqarah, ada dinyatakan bahawa orang yang diuji itu akan mendapat pertolongan daripada Allah serta akan diganjari dengan syurga;

أم حسبتم أن تدخلوا الجنة ولما يأتكم مثل الذين خلوا من قبلكم مستهم البأساء والضراء وزلزلوا حتى يقول الرسول والذين آمنوا معه متى نصر الله ألا إن نصر الله قريب

Adakah patut kamu menyangka bahawa kamu akan masuk syurga, padahal belum sampai kepada kamu (ujian dan cubaan) seperti yang telah berlaku kepada orang-orang yang terdahulu sebelum kamu? mereka telah ditimpa kepapaan (kemusnahan harta benda) dan serangan penyakit, serta digoncangkan (dengan ancaman bahaya musuh), sehingga berkatalah Rasul dan orang-orang yang beriman yang ada bersamanya: “Bilakah (datangnya) pertolongan Allah?” Ketahuilah sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu dekat (asalkan kamu bersabar dan berpegang teguh kepada agama Allah). [Al-Baqarah: 214]

just for crazy neighbour..haha

oke..nak sangat ean.hahah
nie lagi sorg nk mencapub..oke..
nama ak pggil dia..jiran.aka..WAWA..
ouh lupa..kak wawa..haha
dia tu, bwu upload gambar2 dia kt pantai smlm..pewwittt..aweks hot dowh.!
nah..utk kamu si gadis pink..haha

puas kah hati anda.?? ebay?? amboih.! xmampu org leyn nk beli gmbar2 akaks lorh..hahahahaha
jgn marah..hehe..gurau je..


you might be listening to one of the cutest song ever.!
cute la sangat ean.! comei pe. haha sesuai skyt ngn blog nie..
oh lupa..erm, nie mmg blog nurina..
tp lagu jela..mcm lagu bdak2..
cause i know i'm childish..and out of sudden i miss this song..
due to this morning..
i sang this song with my rumate, kak huda..omg.! seyesly..
kinda funny actually..especially when i'm stressed about something..
ouh..thanx kak huda for singing with me..
love you.!

p/s : i'm not crazy oke.!

Thursday, 17 November 2011


yeah, u've heard it.
owh, can't see it.??
better.? well, ow yeah.! problems..
i really hate problems, what more can i say. it's truly annoying.! just like what kak huda said earlier..
" it won't be called as life if there's no problem exist "
i do know bout that n thanx for reminding me.
but, why does problem exist when i'm in my mood of doing something happy or in a simple way of saying that is..when i'm in a happy-crazy mood,??

are you happy knowing or realizing that u don't have any problems to face today.?
but, when do you have problems??
all those [ shit, fuck, damn it etc ] words came out directly from your mouth..
isn't it.?
where the hell is ur "YA ALLAH.??"
gone.? really.? i do realize something. we as human being or more specifically, as MUSLIM, 
easily to forger HIM, but HE never forget about us..
and i do realize that, if i keep on crying, it doesn't change anything a lot,
but if i tell HIM my true story, i pray and pray hoping that all my problems can just diminish in a glimpse, does..a little by little..THANK YOU ALLAH..!

in every single minute in our life, there's always a problem created by ourselves.
in every problems we've created, there's always some solution.
in every breathe we take, don't forget about ALLAH.
cause to HIM we are from, and to HIM we will return.

P/S : don't ever forget Allah..and your family.! spread the love people.!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011!

wokeyh,! i totally love this song.! just dunno why..maybe the rhythm of the the lead singer sing.? hurm just dunno..but i do love this song..and btw, the lyrics.? ahaha kinda funny,.do enjoy.!

"Pumped Up Kicks"
Robert's got a quick hand.
He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan.
He's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth he's a cowboy kid.
Yeah, he found a six shooter gun.
In his dad's closet hidden with a box of fun things, and I don't even know what.
But he's coming for you, yeah he's coming for you.

[Chorus: x2]
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.

Daddy works a long day.
He'll be coming home late, he's coming home late.
And he's bringing me a dark surprise.
'Cause dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice.
I've waited for a long time.
Yeah the sleight of my hand is now a quick-pull trigger,
I reason with my cigarette,
And say your hair's on fire, you must have lost your wits, yeah.

[Chorus: x2]
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.


[Chorus: x3]
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.

hello again.!!

well, hello world..!
asyik2 ayat nie je..bosan plak..oke..
wokeyh..smbg blek..
da lama xbkak blog n post something new kt sini..
okeyh..let's start a new beginning, with a new post today..!

1st thing first
wargh..! rindu terubat bila jumpe kwn2 blek..ekyn, radziah, tasha, kak huda..n geng2 tasha..!
owh.! xlupa..rumate ku trcinta..sarah.dia blek neyk transformer.! walawei la..da la dtg dgn "tentera2" dia..haha..senang la ean bwk barang.! ak nie.? sorg2 je la..penat wei.! da la byk..syukur dok kt tgkt satu je..haha..

ak masak lasagna n kek chocolate...wargh.! 
pe yg bgga nye..bila diorg oyak sedap..! alhamdulillah.!
da lama actually xmsak kek, kira syukur la korg ckp sedap..nak resipi..? soe la..tu mmg resipi lao korg tgk ak wat..myb leyh la tao.hahaha

noo0000oo...!!!!!!! neyk2 ada test bagai..! mcm pe je..ak xkesah, msalahnye..lao xfaham, mcm ne nk jawab dgn btol..ouh..YA ALLAH, SEMOGA KAU KURNIAKANLAH AKU KEFAHAMAN YG MENDALAM UTK PELAJARAN KU INI DAN SEMOGA KAU KURNIAKANLAH AKU KEPUTUSAN YANG CEMERLANG.amin.!

haih..bila la nk dpt ptptn ak nie..hurm..harap2 dapat digunakn dgn mom ckp, dia nk control penggunaan, dia amek sparuh dr ptptn ak..hurm..xpe la..demi masa depan ak kot..senang..YA ALLAH, KAU PEMURAHKAN LAH REZEKI HAMBAMU INI..amin.!

p/s : sentiasa mengharapkn yg terbaik tnpa menyedari semua yg berlaku dlm kehidupan kita nie telah ditetapkan oleh ALLAH..doa n tawakal itu pun penting..

Thursday, 10 November 2011


ak rasa ak baru sedar.
segala benda kt dunia ni hanya sementara..
kehidupan.kasih sayang.kawan.duit.
hampir segalanya.
tp sementara yang ak nk cter arinie..bkn sementara tu
nie sementara sbb kwn.
kali nie..ak redha..
ak redha lao dia nk pg meninggalkn ak..sbg kwn, ak rasa bodoh lao ak xsupport.apa nama kwn mcm tu..ak da bersiap sedia..klau2 dia btol2 nk ak still, ak still xleyh..setiap hari, ak mesti trfikir..mesti tringat..
kdg2 ak pernah terfikir..nape mesti ak jmpe dia..nape mesti ak kwn ngan dia..mcm la xde org leyn..
tp mungkin ini cara Allah nk duga ak..kuat x ak.? tabah x ak.? 
kdg2 ak rasa mcm nk give up je idop..mcm xde function ak idop..kdg2 ak rasa ak buat smua bnda sbb nk puaskn hati semua org..
tp ak SALAH.! sesungguhnya, ak baru tau, segalanya hanyalah dugaan yg Allah nk duga ak..
k..semua da ckp..semua da bg nasihat..thanx.! 
so..apa mereka semua ckp.???
" nurina, lao ko betol kwn dia..doakn yg terbaek utk dia..
and lao ko btul sygkn kwn ko tu..lepaskn dia..just let her go..u know what's the best for dia dr jaoh pun da cukup..and be strong nurina..just be strong.."

p/s : kyn..btol ckp ko..mmg ak akan sentiasa nages sbb ko tao kenapa kan..?? so..thanx kyn..sbb jadi kwn ak..thanx.!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

resipi nasi goreng ala nurina..!

k..cara2 dia simple je..sgt simple n mesti la ada..
1. cili padi [ske ati korg, lgi byk lgi sdp kot..bwu kick.!] [ tumbok gna lesung batu..jgn ancur sgt ]
2. bwg putih n bwg merah besar/merah kecil [ mayang halus2..k.]
3. minyak masak
4. garam n lada sulah [ ikot sukatan biasa korg masak ]
5. ayam fillet [ di hiris halus2..haha]
6. kacang buncis [ potong ikot korg la..ak ske potong kecik2.]
7. telur sebiji.
8. butter/ majerin
9. nasi putih

k. barang2 da pun di senaraikn..skrg cara msak..
1. panaskn minyak [sperti biasa]
2. tumis la bwg2 n cili padi
3. masokkn nasi putih
4. kaco2 skyt..
5. msokkan kacang buncis dan ayam.
6. ooops..msokkan lada sulah dan garam [ secukup rasa ek.!]
7. kaco2 skyt
8. pastu..masokkn butter/majerin...dlm 2 sudu besar..
9. kaco2 skyt [haha]
10. sbelom abis..pecahkn telor..pastu kaco2 ag..smpai sekata n ayam masak.
11. hidang.!

p/s : ag sedap lao ada smbal tumis..hehe..lao xbpe nk sedap..hehe jgn marah.!

Monday, 7 November 2011


just like the title.
just for you my beloved one.
i dedicated this post, just for you.

you were the first person i saw when i came to that class.
you were smiling. and i realized, it was quite a welcoming smile to me.
thanks. i didn't know anything about everything here. it was quite new. everything. the environment. everything. i remember asking your number and everything. i didn't ask radziah. u just gave me. i asked you again. your former school or education. you just said matrik perak. and i was so delighted at that moment. finally. i've found someone from my matrix. syukur alhamdulillah. we then, have lunch together. all six of us..guess i was sitting next to you during our lunch in KFC. so, the next day and week just flew away without realizing that we became closed withing few days. and for your information, i like the way you really are. not to hypocrite, don't have to pretend anything. u just show me what you really are. i expressed myself to you. i guess you can keep all my secrets. and you've trusted me right.? so thanks for everything. thanks for all those memories you gave me. so far as i'm concerned, what my friend had once said, you will always be my best memory ever here, is quite right. i'll be remembering you. forever and ever. i'll cherish all the sweet times, crazy times, gadow2 times, nages2 times.every time we've spent together. so, it's not like i'm letting you go. it's not like, i don't feel anything about what have you said to me. it's not like i don't want to be friend with you anymore. it's just this feeling, that makes me wonder, will i ever find a friend like you again? will i ever meet you again if we were meant to be separated ? will i ever..i just don't know..i hope you will realize, that forever and ever, i'll always love you, my friend. you are always my best memory ever here. 
shall i forget you.? no. shall i'm the one to be forgotten.? it's up to you.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

damn.! i miss you la..!! [part 2.]

damn.! i totally miss this thing a lot.!
during my glory days as a kitchen staff at
owh..gosh..i totally miss it.!
masak2..meyn2..rasa itu ini..joking sana sini..
meyn kejar2..meyn2 kt cashier..meyn masak2..waa..!
closing, pasang lagu kuat2..buat inventory..kira stock..
gadow..kira duit syiling..kena marah ngn AH BEH.!
sayang jugak diorg kt ak walaupun da byk kali kena bebel..haha
last2 xbg ak benti..nk amek ak blek keje part-time..
tp nk wat mcm ne..ak da nk kena smbg blaja..
egt ag..mula2 nk dilatih jd bdak wat air..barista la..
tp last2 kena cmpak g dapur..haha..nk wat mcm ne..
perempuan mmg kena pg dapur gaks..
ingin sesekali..kembali kerje kt situ..


mcm pe je..haha
da wat lupa nk perkenalkan diri sendiri..
so. this is me. 
name given : nurina nabilah bt sallehuddin ali gukir 
just call me : ina, nurin, nurina, nabilah
born on : 27 aug 1992..[present please..hehe =D ]
from : subang jaya, selangor 
current place : uitm dungun, sura hujung, dungun, terengganu.
ambition : pro photographer.! 
anything else?
just add me at my FACEBOOK..
oh-mo..!! i love myself.! haha 

Saturday, 5 November 2011

damn.! i miss you la..!!

dedicated to my old old buddie...damn..! i miss u so much..!!
soe dat i didn't spend time enough time to know you better..but i guess i miss you..! and not to my other old friend, buddie..kwn pendek ku..! tp la nie da tinggi.! bangga ak.! i miss you too..seems like you guys are doing well..!
so, gud luck in everything you do...soe for everything..! and i'll always remember, moments we spent together since we were young.little kids.hehehhe i left without saying anything..i left you guys..but no one can 'substitute' you guys..coz both of you are always my old buddies..!! 
i know u'll be guessing..who are they..well here they are..
oops..i guess 1 je kot ak leyh letak satu nie..farhana..kwn dr drjah 6 ak..hheh..kwn sengal2 alam jugak..hurm..ntah la..pekabo dia skrg..mntg2 kt MSU je..xyah nk gi jaoh mcm ak..duk dungun..walawei..! ahha

nie elia..elia nurdiana..dok kt sek11 shah alam..hahaha kwn paling sengal
pernah ak jumpe..haha

Friday, 4 November 2011


mcm pe je...boring gaks la tgk anugerah skrin 2011 td..
xkesah la..sbb ak tgk biasa2 je kot..naseb la ada shila amzah, zain ruffedge, 
najwalatif, siti saleha, aaron aziz...
still boring..sampai my mom tertido kot..
btw, tahniah la, diucapkn kepada semua
pemenang pemenang..
walaupapapun..pemenang2 dia mmg layak la menang..
da la, ak xmo complain atau ckp byk da..
ak pun da


it's all i can say now.
if i die young.
and leave u now..
i hope u understand.
that i always love you
from deep in my heart.
my love for you is 
still the same.
if and only if.
i can help you.
i'll help. 
but ri8 now..i guess
the only thing i can do is
pray for your best..
next..just support you.
i love you.!


lao nk jela..
ak nie siapa nk halang ean..
lao mmg da rezeki ko kt sana..
xpe..ak akan belajar menerima seadanya..
ak faham..ko mmg minat akaun..
mcm ak..ak mmg minat sains [ biology ] n TESL..
tp nk wat mcm ne..
da mmg rezeki ak tercampak kt kos nie..
ak pun terima je la..drpd ak xdpt..
ak nak nages..
mcm xde guna dah..penat ak nages..
tp ak tao..n ak egt kata2 kwn ak..
" if you do care and love her, just let her go..
cause you do know what's the best for her.
just pray the best for her. kalau ada rezki, korg 
berjumpe lagi. lao xde, xpe. dia pernah menjadi 
sesuatu yg bahagia dlm hidup kau. sabar ye ina"

again..ak rasa..mybe ak nie hanya kawan...
bkn sape2 utk mghalang dia utk pg..
cume..ak bley doakan..
doakan agar dia dpt pilih..apa yg terbaek buat
diri dia...
ak sayang kt dia..ak xmao dia kecewa..
ak sedyh..sbb
secara tetibe..kwn yg ak rapat..
tetibe nk blah..
ak xkesah..da dia mmg minat akaun..
lao itu yg terbaek..again..i'll pray for her..
bukan ak x usaha nk surow dia stay..
tp kdg2 usaha ak xkemana...
ak just harap..berharap..
sangat2 agar dia stay..
lantaklah lao sepnjang dok sini asyik gadow.
ak xkesah..sbb ak sayang gila2 kt dia..

p/s : kepada kyn yahya..saya harap anda faham..bkn sya ingin melepaskn awak, dan bkn niat sya utk menahan kehendak sya harap..
awak juga faham saya..saya sayang awak!!!


tetibe..ak rasa benci sgt dok rumah..
sume xley..itu xley nie xley..ada je yg xkena..
fine la..kurung la ak nie..kdg2 ak rasa mcm xde life je dok kt umah
tp kdg2 ak ske dok umah..ntah la..mybe sbb ak xdibenarkn kuar umah..
lepak2 ngn kwn2..mybe sbb tu kot ak benci dok umah..
kdg2 ak nyesal blek kdg2 ak gmbira..
tp..diorg kena faham..
ak nie remaja...
ak cepat bosan...
org leyn, bley je kuar sana sini..ak?
terperap je kt umah nie..
lesen ak 'burn' mcm tu je..weyh.!
ak bowink la mcm nie.!
Ya Allah..ampunilah dosa2 hambaMu ini, andai kata
hambaMu ini telah melampaui batas...