Monday, 7 November 2011


just like the title.
just for you my beloved one.
i dedicated this post, just for you.

you were the first person i saw when i came to that class.
you were smiling. and i realized, it was quite a welcoming smile to me.
thanks. i didn't know anything about everything here. it was quite new. everything. the environment. everything. i remember asking your number and everything. i didn't ask radziah. u just gave me. i asked you again. your former school or education. you just said matrik perak. and i was so delighted at that moment. finally. i've found someone from my matrix. syukur alhamdulillah. we then, have lunch together. all six of us..guess i was sitting next to you during our lunch in KFC. so, the next day and week just flew away without realizing that we became closed withing few days. and for your information, i like the way you really are. not to hypocrite, don't have to pretend anything. u just show me what you really are. i expressed myself to you. i guess you can keep all my secrets. and you've trusted me right.? so thanks for everything. thanks for all those memories you gave me. so far as i'm concerned, what my friend had once said, you will always be my best memory ever here, is quite right. i'll be remembering you. forever and ever. i'll cherish all the sweet times, crazy times, gadow2 times, nages2 times.every time we've spent together. so, it's not like i'm letting you go. it's not like, i don't feel anything about what have you said to me. it's not like i don't want to be friend with you anymore. it's just this feeling, that makes me wonder, will i ever find a friend like you again? will i ever meet you again if we were meant to be separated ? will i ever..i just don't know..i hope you will realize, that forever and ever, i'll always love you, my friend. you are always my best memory ever here. 
shall i forget you.? no. shall i'm the one to be forgotten.? it's up to you.

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