Wednesday, 14 December 2011

RESPECT, please.!

if you think you are good enough, you won't show it.!
let it show by itself.!
even a real princess won't admit she's a princess..but your attitude,
urgh.! seyesly.? you are just messing with my life n yours n others too..!
stop acting like you can order/command others what to do or to follow you..n stop saying words that can annoy others., especially to me..!!! 
k..ko egt ak kesah sgt ke kt ko.?? da la cara ckp mcm xhormat lgsung kt org..
mmg da cara ko mcm tu, jgn ar smpai nk ckp ngn org leyn mcm ko da kenal "ak" lama je...i'm just being a friend..just giving some advice about respect even i only know a little bout what my mom used to say : 
" once you respect others, others will follow "..i'm not saying, i'm that "BAGUS" or what..but at least, do respect others..
you want others to respect you, but you don', assuming that, i've learned mine long time ago, it's time for you out there, to learn something about respect..we can't determine what others are saying bout us, but at least, show some day, people will know/find out about our "true" selves..
or in BM " da nampak belang sebenar "..

p/s : it's not that hard to show our respect..we just need to learn it time by time..
# budi bahasa, budaya kita # 

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